Focus Pocus:
100 Ways to Help Your Child Pay Attention
This ebook lists 100 ways to boost attention during homework, chore time, school, and family meals. There are practical strategies, techniques and little tricks that will help your child pay attention – whether or not they are on medication, whether or not they are labeled ADHD.
When you see your child’s mind start to wander, you’ll have concrete, tried and true solutions that will help your child get back on track.
Price: $4.99
Four sons. Three with ADHD. One with a Learning Disability.
Lots and lots of homework.
How our family discovered
“Pay attention!” “Stop Daydreaming!”
“Think!” Listen!
This is what our kids heard constantly during homework, chore time, school, and family meals.
When I finished, I had 100 ways to help my kids pay attention – hints from our family, teachers, and friends. Practical stuff. Stuff that worked.
I’ve listed all 100 ways in a 35 page, downloadable report called Focus Pocus – 100 Ways to Help Your Child Pay Attention.
The 100 tips in Focus Pocus will help you as parents and teachers, but most of all, they’ll help your kids learn to “Listen!” “Pay attention.” “Stop daydreaming.” And “Focus!”
Focus Pocus includes hints on how to pay attention in the classroom. It lists ways kids can focus on homework. There are strategies, techniques and little tricks that will help your child pay attention – whether or not they are on medication, whether or not they are labeled ADHD.
To make vocabulary words easier to learn, divide them up into small groups, and study each in a different room.
To give a multi-sensory whammy to math, have your child talk through math problems out loud.
To help students copy homework assignments correctly, write them on the board in different or alternating colors.
To keep kids from zoning out through verbal reminders to pay attention, flash the lights or ring a bell.
To help your child sit still through a “boring class”, teach them appropriate ways to fidget.
With the help of the strategies in Focus Pocus, our boys learned how to pay attention when it was hard – homework, boring classes, even watching television. Our boys still struggle with focus, but they now have specific ways to combat their inattentiveness. In fact, two of our boys are grown and gone – both in rigorous learning situations. And they still draw on the things you’ll read about in Focus Pocus!
Your children can learn these same techniques. Just think, with Focus Pocus you’ll have 100 tools that will make paying attention a lot easier! When you see your child’s mind start to wander, you’ll have concrete, tried and true solutions that will help your child get back on track.
If you know the daily struggle of trying to get a child to focus, if you’re searching for positive and encouraging ways to teach kids to pay attention, then you owe it to yourself – you owe it to your child – to read Focus Pocus today!
You’ll find out:
• How to keep a child on task while doing chores. (Read Hint #3)
What to do with that child who can’t pay attention through your evening meal. (Read Hint #13)
• How to keep a child from being overwhelmed by all the problems on a page. (Read Hint #5)
• Ways to jump start attention in the middle of testing. (Read Hint #22)
• What important facts will make it easier to focus. (Read Hint #45)
All this and more is in Focus Pocus – 100 Ways to Help Your Child Pay Attention! Because Focus Pocus is downloadable, you’ll be able to start using the tips tonight!
Don’t waste another minute! Get your copy of Focus Pocus right now, and start counting all the ways that you’ve helped your child to pay attention!